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DifferenceGuides was established in 2022, and our team has the urge to research versatile topics and develop high-quality content to make it the best read. This website is all about learning the comparison between similar terms. You can find all types of learning material related to technology, IT, Non-IT, business, computer, corporate, medical, digital marketing, education, carrier, science, and all types of problem-solving differences and many more.
To empower people with differences between similar terms. Ever since its inception, knowledge has motivated and inspired ignited souls to overcome similar hurdles and foster their thinking and creativity. Our goal is to build the trust of people all around the world with our meaningful articles. Our team will always do whatever it takes to ensure the satisfaction of our readers.
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There is no great writing, Only great re-writing. - Justice Louis Brandeis
Content writer of our team with expertise in Adaptability, Strong research skills, Ability to get focused, Deliver quality content, Niche knowledge. Know more about our team.
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Our research-oriented content writer provides authoritative information with accurate facts and data provided from recognized sources.
Our Team:
Jay Solanki
Position: Founder and Content Writer
Hobby: Techie and Blogging
Years in the Blogging industry - 7 year
Hello, My name is Jay Solanki and I am a mechanical engineer and MBA postgraduate. I have been in the Digital marketing field for a few years now, learning more about the field and myself every day. I started a website on mechanical engineering mechanicalfunda.com in 2015. Since then it has given me a passion for learning as well as allowed me to step into another niche called difference or comparison of two similar kinds of terms. I spend most of my time singing, playing sports, and writing content. I love to share expertise and knowledge in the following field.
Expertise Field:
Science and Technology
Corporate World
Mechanical Engineering
Information and Technology