COMMIT in SQL is a command used to save changes made to the database permanently. It is used to save a transaction permanently to the database. ROLLBACK in SQL is a command that is used for changes made to the database. It is used to undo a transaction and restore the database to its previous state. We'll compare and discuss the key differences between commit and rollback in SQL.
What is COMMIT?
The SQL statement COMMIT indicates the successful completion of a transaction. When a transaction completes without interruption, the changes made to the database by the transaction become permanent. This means that the database cannot be restored to the state it was in prior to the execution of the transaction's first statement.
ROLLBACK, like COMMIT, is a SQL statement that indicates that the transaction was not completed successfully. As a result, the transaction is canceled in order to undo the changes made by the transaction. No updates made by the current transaction are retained after ROLLBACK is executed.
Difference between COMMIT and ROLLBACK:
- COMMIT saves the modifications made by the current transaction indefinitely. The current transaction's changes are undone by ROLLBACK.
- Changes made after the COMMIT command cannot be undone. After ROLLBACK, the transaction returns to its previous state.
- When the transaction is successful, COMMIT is applied. When the transaction is aborted, incorrect execution and system failure ROLLBACK occurs.
- COMMIT statement permanently saves the state, when all the statements is executed successfully without any error. In the ROLLBACK statement, if any operations fail during the completion of a transaction, it cannot permanently save the change and we can undo using this statement.
- The syntax of the COMMIT statement is COMMIT. The syntax of the ROLLBACK statement is ROLLBACK.
- One uses a COMMIT statement after the successful completion of the intended transaction. One uses the ROLLBACK statement a transaction is unsuccessful due to abortion, incorrect execution, power failure, or system failure.