EBIT refers to the company earnings that are produced during the time without taking into account the interest expense and the tax expense of the period, which is the main difference between EBIT and Net income. Contrarily, net income is the term used to describe a company earning during a period after taking all of its expenses into account. Let us debate the EBIT Vs Net Income and understand more about it.
What is EBIT?
EBIT stands for earnings before interest and taxes. EBIT is earnings before interest and taxes and can be defined as a method used solely for the purpose of evaluating the profits earned by an entity. EBIT is a measure of an entity's operating performance in terms of profitability before taking interest, taxes, or cost of capital into proper account. EBIT can be characterized as a technique used to assess an entity's profitability.
What is Net income?
A method used exclusively to ascertain the total profit made by a business is referred to as a net income. After making the necessary adjustment for the interest and taxes that the entity has paid, net income is used to assess the total profits made by the entity. By subtracting interest, taxes, des[reciation of financial assets, and other costs incurred by the business from its total revenue, net income or NI can be computed.
EBIT VS Net income | Difference between EBIT and Net income
EBIT is used to calculate the profit-making ability of the company, while the net income is to calculate earnings per share.
EBIT = Revenue - Operating Expenses
EBIT = Net Income + Taxes + Interest
Net Income = Revenue - Cost of doing business
EBIT is mostly used for the purpose of determining the profitability or profit earning ability of a particular entity.
For the sole purpose of determining an entity's EPS, or earnings per share, net income is employed.