13 March 2023

RDBMS Vs MongoDB | Difference | Comparison

One of the most significant differences between the two systems is that the relational database management system(RDBMS) works on a relational database. While MongoDB is a nonrelational database management system. This is the fundamental difference between RDBMS and MongoDB. You can check out the detailed information on RDBMS Vs MongoDB below. 

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What is RDBMS?

A relational database management system is a type of DBMS that is more sophisticated (RDBMS). In the 1970s, it first became visible. RDBMS systems are more effective for accessing data for organizations than DBMS systems are. An RDBMS is a piece of software that only keeps data that needs to be kept in tables. Data is arranged and kept in this type of system in rows and columns known as tuples and attributes. RDBMS is a powerful data management system that is widely used throughout the globe.

What is MongoDB?

An open-source document-oriented database called MongoDB is used to store large amounts of data. it fits into the category of a NoSQL database. The term NoSQL tool denotes the absence of conventional rows and columns. BSON is a binary variant of JSON that is used by MongoDB.

RDBMS Vs MongoDB | Difference between RDBMS and MongoDB

  • RDBMS is a relational database management system and works on relational databases. MongoDB is a nonrelational, document-oriented database management system that works on document-based databases.
  • RDBMS is vertically scalable performance increases with the increase of RAM. MongoDB is horizontally scalable as well. Its performance increases with the addition of a processor.
  • RDBMS is difficult to store hierarchical data, and MongoDB has inbuilt support to store hierarchical data.
  • RDBMS is a schema that needs to be defined in RDBMS before using a database. With MongoDB, the schema may be defined and retrieved dynamically.
  • RDBMS is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. MongoDB is SQL injection is not possible.
  • RDBMS has a predefined schema, while MongoDB has a dynamic schema.
  • RDBMS databases use row, while MongoDB database uses documents.
  • RDBMS databases use columns and MongoDB database uses field.
  • RDBMS is slower in processing large hierarchical data. Large hierarchical data can be processed by MongoDB quite quickly.
  • RDBMS supports complex joins, while MongoDB has no support for complex joins.
  • RDBMS does not provide javascript-based clients to query databases. MongoDB provides a javascript-based client to query databases.
  • RDBMS uses SQL to query databases whereas MongoDB uses BSON to query databases.
  • RDBMS follows the ACID principle, atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. While MongoDB follows the CAP theorem, consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.
Thanks for reading the article. Still, if you have any questions or queries in your mind on the difference between RDBMS and MongoDB then please ask us in the comment section below.

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